Santa Fe A to Z: X Santa Fe Unlimited's Santa Fe A to Z

Xeriscaping allows for lush gardens in desert areas where water is short in supply.Xeriscape
A landscaping method which requires little or no irrigation or maintenance, used to conserve water in arid regions. Rather than a specific style, Xeriscape is the employment of seven basic landscaping principles. Each principle is considered in the planning and designing phase, and is installed in a particular sequence.

The seven principles of Xeriscape are: planning and designing, soil improvements, efficient irrigation, zoning plants, mulches, turf alternatives, and appropriate maintenance. A new Xeriscape garden will require a similar amount of time to maintain as a traditionally landscaped garden, but it decreases over time. (~Aimee)
NOTE: See our feature in Taos Counterculture on Xeriscape Gardening and Landscaping

Pictured: Xeriscaped garden area in Northern New Mexico

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